How Soap is Made: The Cold Process Method
A spotlight on the soapmaking process at Lelé Apothecary
How is soap really made?
In simple terms, the cold processed soap making method converts the fatty acids in different oils, milks or butters (mixed in with Sodium Hydroxide or NaOH and H2O) into a chemical reaction called Saponification. This method can be dated back to ancient Babylon or about 2800 BC where ashes were used in place of Lye to convert fats into soap, crazy huh?
A lot of people ask themselves, "But is lye necessary?" Yes! all soaping techniques use sodium hydroxide (Lye) without it, there is simply no soap. Don't worry the Lye we use is completely food grade (hello pretzels!) and fully evaporates during the curing process, which can take approximately four to eight weeks.Our finished bars are perfectly PH balanced and contain no traces of lye. So just like wine, soap needs time to age beautifully in order to nourish your precious skin. Using this ancient method that has stood the test of time, our soap is completely hand made in small batches with all natural ingredients and most importantly, love.